Saturday, June 2, 2012

Come Fly with Me?...

My "fly" photo submission in the Epiphanie Camera Bags + My Four Hens photo contest!

When we moved to our new house about a year ago I realized that we would be living across the street from a hospital and yes  there is a Life Flight pad on the corner there too.  We didn't live too far from there prior to this newer home we moved into so each and every summer you always knew when there was a horrible accident up the canyon because Life Flight would arrive at our local hospital as it is the only hospital closest to the mountains, the lake and anywhere in between. From our old home we could hear the chopper blades in the distance landing and the leaving.  

Now that we live across the street the noise of the chopper blades is much louder and we have been able to snap some photos of the helicopter as it lands and takes off.  It is exciting for my four year old who loves all things that fly, drive, rail, or float. He hasn't quite understood the severity of what Life Flight really means. I hope we never have to experience that.

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