Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Before the MESS

Well since I had decided at the last minute to focus on my kitchen cabinets, (only a few of them because sista let me tell you I have many!) I had to go around taking my before pictures.  I like posting them before I begin my cleaning and organizing it helps me in the process of becoming focused with the task at hand.

This week has been a bit challenging. I am getting to a later start than last week but that doesn't mean that I can't do it. Nor that I am procrastinating. The reason is that I have lost an hour to an already sleep deprived nightly routine (having a 4 year old and 4 month old, need I say more?).  I have also had a School Board meeting Monday night which lasted a while and yesterday I was tired so I fell asleep putting my four year old to bed.  Okay so enough about me let's get to the pictures.

Here is one set of cabinets. They are tall they are deep. I am planning to focus on these four because......
 The bottom left is for baking but a total mess, the right side is for storage containers.. can't find them when you need them. The upper right is for whatever I want and liquor. Finally the top left is for baby formula, storage bags and some glass ware. As you can see a super problem.

I have other cabinets in the island that I will work with as well as two under part of the counter facing the south wall in the kitchen. See here.

NOW I am ready to focus on the task at hand. Here is my plan of attack:
  1. Inventory what is in there
  2. Remove old unused items (give away if non-edible item/ throw away if edible but really not)
  3. Organize by "like" uses (partly done but not accessible)
  4. Create ways to increase accessibility (labels, group in containers etc)
  5. Take pictures of final clean/organized kitchen cabinets.
Originally I stated I was going to focus on my closet in my own room and a hallway closet. I am not ready to enter that battle just yet.  AND I have been so incredible proud of my organized pantry from week one of Project Simplify that I wanted to continue with the same working areas.  So much to improve upon.   Thanks Sis for asking me to join the challenge and thanks for the challenge itself!

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