Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Mother's Creative Side!

Back in the day before I had kids I was certainly a crafty girl but not to the extent that I could have been or wanted to be. I would dabble in scrapbooking, sewing(purses, baby blankets, quilts) and planned for kids classroom art fun! As a teacher my creative side came out with my ability to plan and share my bulletin boards(which always revolved around some childrens book). As an adult now with kids and full time work I had lost sight of those "fun" creative things I liked to do. Just recently I have had urges to be crafty again and this time around crafty on a dime. Thanks to Pinterest I have had my creative juices jump started and am raring to go with many new ideas. Now to find the time. I recently posted about my sister's blog Good Luck With That and described that each month she and her friend try something new (12 new things a year) and how much time they have to be able to do that. Which meant I was complaining that I couldn't find the time like they are to be able to complete things like I would like. However, she (my sister Amy) stated to me that she was going to respond to my blog with some suggestions on how I could do that on a different scale than what they are doing with their blog. I thought about her statements to me and what wisdom she has as a younger sibling. I took her words to heart and am going to implement something that is obtainable and fits my lifestyle. So here goes. Each month I am going to embark on a project of some crafty nature. This could be a large or small project but I have a month to complete it. This seems rather obtainable to me and could very nicely fit into my busy life of being a mother, full time worker, a wife, a student among the many other things I do to fill my time. I am super excited. Soon I will be publishing a list of those 12 projects (to ensure accountability) and then I will take part of the time to blog about those projects. So I am stealing her idea and taking her wise thoughts and suggestions and putting them to use. Should you have thoughts or ideas about crafty things you would like me to undertake please post your comments and let me know. I will be working on my list and posting soon this will begin in April (my first project).

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