Monday, March 12, 2012

Lenten Journey OMGosh...

The other day I received a text message from my sister indicating that she was enjoying a  "juicy" burger, somewhere in Seattle! I was at work and decided I was hungry (being a nursing mom does that to you) and though I have been giving up the extras and having more patience for Lent I decided I would join her in that "juicy" burger! So I popped into the car and away I went to the first oops I mean second burger joint... McDonald's. Not my true idea of a "juicy" burger but a burger none the less.

It happened to be a beautiful day, the sun was shining and there were many cars in the drive through. I popped into line and waited. As I pulled up to the menu and speaker I had that "Oh Shit" moment that all of us Catholic's sometimes have, I realized it was Friday. Which meant, for those of you who are not Catholic and observe Lent, I was not supposed to eat meat. Talk about a lesson in self discipline (which happened to be the virtue of the week for our school district).  So in my mind I went back and forth... do I join my sister in eating the meat like product or do I hold stead fast and just order the... fish filet meal?

Oh My Gosh! I so don't like fish from fast food restaurants.  I so don't.  But that was the only choice I had at the moment that the box spoke to me.  I heard, "Welcome to McDonald's may I take your order? Please order when you are ready." Which really means hurry up and order I've got a line to get through the line of cars during the lunch hour.  So I blurted out the order for the FISH FILET.  Oh how I really didn't want that. After I paid for it I choked the sandwich down, savored my fries and Dr. Pepper!  Now I will be practicing no fast food purchases and only rely on myself from home foods which is also going to help the pocket book!

What a fiasco.  I think we all find ourselves in predicaments like that. We for one reason or another get used to doing whatever we want with out a second thought. This reminds me of  Project Simplify 2012 that I am involved in from Simple Mom. I was reading her blog and what she was about and her statements included, "living with intention" among others.  We are embarking on the second week of Project Simplify and for most they will be following Simple Mom's suggestion and cleaning/organizing the kitchen/pantry. Since I created my own list I have already tackled the Pantry.  Later today I will post my before pictures of the second weeks project that I am embarking upon.  I am beginning to live intentionally which fits with in my Lenten journey.  (This years journey is much different than giving up coffee, candy or swearing, which are my usual's! But to live with more patience, with making time for the things that matter, and having self discipline!)


  1. Too funny. I gave up coffee and drinking but had to keep my red meat protein! Awesome story!

  2. I know sis! Thanks for making me write about it. Too funny!
