Friday, April 6, 2012


You know how sometimes, you decide you'd like to go through old photos, photo albums, and now with the digital age CDs or online photo albums?  Well I just did and boy it was a great blast from the past.  It also reminded me of one of my goals or New Year's resolutions..


Yes back in the day I worked out 5 hours per week religiously and it showed.  Now two babies later and  7 years older I am whittling away the added pounds from my two pregnancies.  I know what my goal weight is. I know that I want it badly. I know I have to make it work.

I am outfitted with Nike clothing and shoes. I have my Nike + iPod sport kit (never used yet purchased three years ago) and a goal to run at the very least a 5K within one year.  This means I have to train. I have to have a plan. I have to be accountable.

My husband wants to get back into shape as well. I say more the merrier.  We can do this together.

The plan

1) Make time
2) Do it
3) Start small (miles) and grow
4) Track and share status with others (FB, Blog etc)
5) Continue to build this cycle back into my hectic life
6) Enter 3k run/walks for practice
7) Enter 5k run/walks for practice
8) Complete both
9) Complete a 5k run (not practice)

It is important to me to get back into shape. I am already watching what I eat, watching the portion intake and have been loosing weight slowly and surely. Each week I drop on average one pound which is good (not too fast) it is a nice pace and will help ensure that the weight stays off. My kids are important, my husband is important and so is our health. So here is my commitment to all my readers!

Let's Do It!

1 comment:

  1. totally awesome margo! and when you think about it a mile is probably only 15 minutes of your day!
